Jun 15, 2016
It is reported that Court costs are ‘crippling’ UK litigation. Rocketing court costs will have a seriously detrimental effect on London’s position as an international dispute resolution hub, litigation lawyers warned yesterday. Nearly 90 per cent of...
Jun 14, 2016
The Courts are closing and the Court service is looking at bringing in an “Online Court.” This is where the Court Video Van comes in. The ample rear of the van is kitted out as if it is a room at a court (there was a blue backcloth and the Royal Crest); it...
Jun 13, 2016
ProMediate would very much like to be able to help travellers with complaints about airlines and airports. Some of these are still not providing details of a certified alternative dispute provider, leading to cases clogging up the Courts. It is now over 8 months since...
Jun 10, 2016
A report from Just Costs solicitors derived from a study of 120 cases it dealt with, claims that Lawyers are exceeding their costs budgets in Civil law cases and overspending in the vast majority of cases. Spending overruns affected nearly 90 per cent of cases where...
Jun 9, 2016
Please see attached the latest edition of the GMCC magazine which includes an article by ourselves on mediation. http://www.53degreesmagazine.co.uk/archive/2016-06/pubData/mobile/index.htm