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Ireland leads the way for mediation

Mediators have welcomed the commencement of the Mediation Act as of 1 January 2018. Sabine Walsh, president of the Mediators’ Institute of Ireland (MII), said 2018 promises to be “a significant year in the development and practice of mediation in Ireland as a result...

Mediate employment disputes

Employment tribunals are bound to come under growing pressure from a substantial increase in cases after the abolition of fees in July last year. Ministry of Justice figures show that claims for unfair dismissal increased by nearly 50 per cent to 4,345 over the three...

Mediation and Costs Budgeting

Regarding mediation and costs budgets, mediation does not fall within the ADR phase of the budget. It has to be included as a contingency. Annex B to PD 3E says this.  

Negotiation quote of the week

Hilary Benn, the chairman of the Committee on Exiting the European Union, said: “This is probably going to be the first negotiation in human history in which a government has gone into the negotiation knowing that it will come out with a worse deal than the one...