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Civil Mediation Council Registered Mediation Training Provider

Contact Us: 0203 621 3908 OR 0782 796 1764 OR

Train as a Civil and Commercial Mediator Online

We are now offering remote training as a mediator (subject to a one day face to face assessment) Please note that as per CMC requirements this involves at least one day in person training.

Also we provide the workplace conversion course – 4 evenings – 8 hours

Course Dates

March 2022

Please contact us for more information.




ProMediate has developed a mediator training course and is a Registered Training Provider accredited by the Civil Mediation Council


Details can be found at


ProMediate now provides high quality mediator training courses to enable you to become a mediator. Our 5-day mediation training course, spread over 2 weeks. We also currently provide this online.

Our course directors include experienced mediators, Peter Causton and includes training by academic experts and practising CMC registered mediators on ProMediate’s panel.

Trainers and assessors are drawn from ProMediate’s panel of professional independent mediators.

Our courses are business focused, delivered in two modules over two weeks to allow attendees a more flexible route to qualification.

By the end of the course you will be able to conduct:

  • civil and commercial mediations
  • online and telephone mediations
  • workplace mediations
  • after completing observations you will be able to join the CMC

In addition we provide value add on our course:

  • on-going mentoring when the course ends
  • the opportunity to join the ProMediate panel (if relevant criteria is achieved)
  • insights and training on how to run a mediation business

Our next course dates

ProMediate’s 2022 mediator training course will be on the following dates:

Online Course plus in person training day

March 2022

The cost of the online course is £1.250 plus VAT 

This unlike many, includes all course materials, lunch and refreshments, practical assessment, accreditation and subsequent written feedback.

Workplace Conversion Course

We are also delivering a workplace conversion course on 4 evenings in March 2022.

Please contact us at for further information


Pro Mediate offer a variety of training packages to suit the needs of small or large businesses / organisations who wish to offer in-house mediation services. Our training can either be ‘hands on’ for small groups or targeted towards a larger audience such as conferences and seminars. Our training packages cover the following areas of mediation:

Mediation knowledge

We will inform you of up to date mediation developments and legal updates.


Effective preparation for a mediation and tactics during a mediation.


Our training packages are tailored specifically to meet your requirements and can range from a short introduction to full day-rate training. Please contact us for a quote.



Train as a Civil Mediation Council New Membership categories

the CMC is introducing new individual membership categories from today.


This e-mail summarises the new system, outlines the reasons for the changes and explains the impact on you as a Registered Mediation Provider.


The new system


Friend of the CMC

A Friend of the CMC is an individual CMC Member who supports the aims and objectives of the CMC, but who does not practise mediation in categories of work that the CMC regulates in England and Wales. These categories are currently Civil/Commercial and Workplace mediation. The CMC also operates a separate regulatory scheme for SEND mediators, along with the College of Mediators.


Regulated Mediator

A Regulated Mediator is an individual CMC Member who supports the aims and objectives of the CMC, and who practises mediation in the categories of work that the CMC regulates in England and Wales (currently Civil/Commercial and Workplace mediation).


Regulated Mediators are either:

– Associate Mediators: those who are trained and practising, and on a path towards CMC Registered Mediator Status

– Registered Mediators: those who have met all the requirements for Associate Mediators and have obtained the necessary Observation and Experience Points.

– CMC Fellows: those who are the most experienced mediators.


Observation Points

The CMC has replaced the requirement for three observations which were needed to become a Registered Mediator with a points system. 10 points must be gained from observing or conducting mediations. See here for more detail:


In addition, the Registration and Standards Committee are now considering applications on a discretionary basis from people who completed their training prior to 23rdMarch 2020 and have had online observations in-lieu of in-person observations since that date. Anybody who would like their application to be considered under this temporary measure should include a note to this effect on their Observation/Experience points log.


Moving to the new system

Applications for new Associate Mediators can be made, and the system phased in for existing members over the course of the year as memberships come up for renewal. Applications remain open for Registered Mediators. There is no impact for existing Registered Mediators unless they are eligible and choose to apply to become a Fellow.


The new rules

The new membership rules can be found here:


Reasons for change

The CMC identified that the previous membership system was successful in demonstrating that mediators had met agreed professional standards through Registered Mediator status, but that it did not have a pathway which allowed mediators who were trained and starting their mediation businesses to follow, in order to become Registered.


The new system introduces Associate Mediator status, for mediators meet all the requirements for Registered Status other than having the required observations/experience. This allows mediators who have passed a Registered Training Course, who have insurance, follow an appropriate Code of Practice, have a complaints policy, and maintain CPD to be recognised. The new category will also encourage mediators to join the CMC following training, where they will benefit from learning about appropriate training, support, and best practice from other, more experienced mediators.


Associate Mediators are allowed to act as mediators. Although some people believe it is appropriate to wait until they have carried out observations before they start to mediate, the CMC felt it was necessary to recognise that mediation is not a reserved profession, and that people were completing their training and then mediating in any event, without any of the other assurances that Associate Mediators status offers (e.g. insurance) in place.

As a result of recognising that mediators who are practising ought to meet basic requirements, the CMC will only support Regulated Mediators (that is Associate Mediators, Registered Mediators and Fellows) practising mediation in categories that it regulates in England and Wales. At the moment, those categories are Civil/Commercial and Workplace (NB the CMC also operates a different scheme for SEND Mediators, along with the College of Mediators). As a result, those who are CMC Friends (the old individual membership category) should not practise Civil/Commercial or Workplace Mediation in England and Wales.


The new Observation and Experience points system has replaced the previous requirement for three observations. This requirement had become more complex over time, with online, mock mediations or volunteering in a community mediation being added as alternatives, and the requirement did not specify anything about the quality of those observations – i.e. that the observations should be of a Registered Mediator or panel member of a Registered Mediation Provider. The new system allows for more flexibility, and strikes a balance between recognising that there are different ways of learning, the opportunities that new technologies bring and in-person observations.


Impact on CMC Registered Mediation Providers

Registered Mediation Providers may, but do not have to, choose to recognised Associate Mediators. Associate Mediators will not count towards the number of Registered Mediators that the CMC requires Registered Mediation Providers to have on a panel, though CMC Fellows (who are more experienced that Registered Mediators) will.


New Registered Mediators applying through a panel will be required to complete a full Registration Form with the CMC, and attach relevant documentation, rather than complete the shorter form that has been completed until now. Our system will soon be automated, and so this will not create a significant additional burden for our administrative colleagues. This means that the CMC will receive a mediator’s Observation and Experience Log, and check this, before they can become a Registered Mediator, meaning that Registered Mediation Providers don’t have to carry out this check and can rely on the CMC to do this. We will however continue to spot check Registered Mediation Providers they have procedures in place to ensure they check that panel mediators meet CMC’s ongoing requirements such as CPD, as opposed to spot checking those mediators themselves.



Also we provide the workplace conversion course – 4 evenings – 8 hours

Course Dates

March 2022

Please contact us for more information.




ProMediate has developed a mediator training course and is a Registered Training Provider accredited by the Civil Mediation Council


Details can be found at


ProMediate now provides high quality mediator training courses to enable you to become a mediator. Our 5-day mediation training course, spread over 2 weeks. We also currently provide this online.

Our course directors include experienced mediators, Peter Causton and includes training by academic experts and practising CMC registered mediators on ProMediate’s panel.

Trainers and assessors are drawn from ProMediate’s panel of professional independent mediators.

Our courses are business focused, delivered in two modules over two weeks to allow attendees a more flexible route to qualification.

By the end of the course you will be able to conduct:

  • civil and commercial mediations
  • online and telephone mediations
  • workplace mediations
  • after completing observations you will be able to join the CMC

In addition we provide value add on our course:

  • on-going mentoring when the course ends
  • the opportunity to join the ProMediate panel (if relevant criteria is achieved)
  • insights and training on how to run a mediation business 

Pro Mediate offer a variety of training packages to suit the needs of small or large businesses / organisations who wish to offer in-house mediation services. Our training can either be ‘hands on’ for small groups or targeted towards a larger audience such as conferences and seminars. Our training packages cover the following areas of mediation:

Mediation knowledge

We will inform you of up to date mediation developments and legal updates.


Effective preparation for a mediation and tactics during a mediation.


Our training packages are tailored specifically to meet your requirements and can range from a short introduction to full day-rate training. Please contact us for a quote.



“First of all I would like to say how grateful we are to you for giving up your time to join us at our Annual Conference and giving your talk yesterday. Your talk was well received and gave a very useful reminder and up-date to the delegates. I hope you enjoyed the event and thank you for helping us to put on a really good Conference this year.”

“Thanks for the excellent training – much better than other providers – more business focused and the opportunity to do observations I needed.”

You are very good at all the technology”

“Course is very good. You are a great teacher”

”thank you so much. It was brilliant!”

”awesome day today I really enjoyed it!”

“If I had to rate it on an out of 10 basis, it would be a 10/10”

“Overall the course was utterly brilliant and thought provoking”

“The course is mainly practical. It never “dragged on all key items were addressed”


Contact us by completing the form below

  • Contact us by post:

    Brow Farm Top Road Frodsham Cheshire WA66SP

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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