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Busting the mediation myths

In this article we bust some common mediation myths: Mediating is a sign of weakness No, mediating is about having confidence in your case, so much so that you can put your case forward in the mediation and persuade the other party to believe in your case as well. Do...

Why go to mediation? 11 Reasons to Mediate.

There have not been many cases recently dealing with mediation and so I thought I would explain why it can be a better process than going to Court. Mediation is a type of alternative dispute resolution (“ADR”) that has become increasingly popular recently. It is a...

Judge warns parties about costs in inheritance act cases

In a recent inheritance act case the Court warned about the risks of litigation when dealing with a low value estate. The case is called Amnir & Ors v Bala & Ors (Rev1) [2023] EWHC 1054 (Ch) (16 May 2023)  The Chancery judge began his judgment by saying: What...