Apr 29, 2020
We may all be in lockdown but it doesn’t mean our cases stand still! We need to move them forward. One way to do this is to mediate. How, you ask, when we can’t meet? Answer: mediate online or by telephone. Everyone is doing it! Even Parliament is meeting via Zoom and...
Apr 27, 2020
Lawyers are predicting an avalanche of cases following the coronavirus pandemic, ranging from states making claims in the international courts against China, to landlord and tenant claims. Only today the Guardian reports that lobby groups are urging the government to...
Apr 27, 2020
With the Courts largely closed now is the time to mediate online: in this short recorded webinar I explain why and how. #resolve #mediation #mediate #onlinemediation #barrister #counsel #adr #litigationfunding #mediator #lawyers #barristers Topic: Settling Claims by...
Apr 21, 2020
If you missed my webinar on settling claims during Covid-19 the recording is available here! Share recording with viewers: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/vZ1PdZLcp2ROEo3V8k_ic5FwG5ymX6a80ClIrvVZn0nBoPddvIgiHoipYFRk_vsF Password: 7b$#Us@U...
Apr 12, 2020
The coronavirus has brought about many employment disputes and problems associated with working and managing from home. Some people may unfortunately have been laid off if on temporary contracts or have been made redundant. Employers may not have followed the correct...