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Crime Brûlée? Bake off controversy continues

Not a week goes by without controversy erupting at the Great British Bake Off. last week we reported on the injustice regarding the lion bread decision. This week the issue was the use or non-use of blow torches for the creme brûlées. Mary Berry insisted that the...

It’s never too late to change your mind about mediating

In a recent Court decision (Murray v Bernard) which was a case about challenging a will, the judge reiterated the rule that a refusal to mediate will lead to a costs penalty.  However, in this case although the Claimants had at first refused to mediate, they later...

The General Dispute Resolution Service – Launch

  ProMediate today launches its new service – The General Dispute Resolution Service – which is probably the first service to cater for retailers and other businesses who want to try mediation first, but agree at the outset of the process that if they...

Ryan unfair. Planes Trains and ADR

What rights do customers have when they get delayed on the train or plane? Original post August 2015: Ryanair lost a test case over flight delays, in Manchester County Court which could have...

Water Palaver!

Not nice-Hundreds of thousands of people in Lancashire have been told to boil tap water because of a treatment plant near Preston being contaminated with cryptosporidium, a particularly nasty bug. Health officials have reassured people that boiled tap water is safe to...