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An employment tribunal can cost an employer upwards of £15000. It can also cost an employee a large amount and they have no guarantee of receiving payment of an award by the employer.

Statistics from ACAS show that employment tribunal claims are on the up. The number of people making employment tribunal claims has risen by 40% in the past year. According to figures from Acas, the number of people deciding to lodge employment tribunal claims rose to almost 40,000 over the 12 months to 31 March 2019

The service also reported a 21% increase in the number of notifications it received. The service now deals with 132,000 notifications a year, amounting to more than 2,500 a week.

Employment tribunal fees were declared unlawful by the Supreme Court in July 2017 and since then Claims have risen.

Last month, solicitors complained that employment tribunals are being delayed by months as courts struggle to deal with the influx of claims. Over 77% of people who were surveyed by the Employment Lawyers Association said that final hearings were being listed over a year after the issue of a claim and more than 66% of respondents said tribunals are taking longer to deal with the service of claims. 

So the message is clear. It is best to avoid employment tribunals and resolve problems in the workplace at an early stage, before a grievance is submitted.

We recommend using ProMediate’s Creative Employment Dispute Resolution service – book a mediator today and avoid the employment tribunal tomorrow: