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Civil Justice Council says mediation has not gone far enough

In future Court users may find they are prompted to use mediation as part of the Court process. The age old debate as to whether it should be made compulsory continues. The Civil Justice Council has supported Compulsory mediation with most parties being required to...

How to change a person’s mind in negotiations

We don’t like changing our minds In recent years psychologists have uncovered two powerful forces that stop us changing our minds Firstly once we’ve made a decision we tend to stick with it – this is known by psychologists as the “Commitment” effect. This is why...

Why Mediate?

Mediation is frequently suggested by one or other party to a dispute but it takes both parties to agree to use it. The Courts are now promoting mediation through the Pre-action protocols, the directions questionnaire that the parties have to complete in each case and...

Landlord and tenant redress plans

We have dealt with many disputes between landlords and tenants. Disputes concerning deposits and damage to property are common and well suited to mediation. The Conservative party has announced that (assuming it remains in power) it will bring in a compulsory redress...

Five Star Review

Another satisfied business using our consumer mediation service. 5 star review.