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So, you have agreed to mediate or the Court has decided that you should consider it? You still have a choice, although refusing to take part might result in the Court making a costs order against you.

A beautiful conference room at the civil justice centre

In any event, I would recommend using the Manchester Mediation Pilot, not least because I organise it! Other than that, I have also seen the feedback from participants which is overwhelmingly positive, including such comments as “this should be rolled out nationwide”, which it may be in due course if the CIvil Justice Council has its way.

Moreover, there is a good settlement rate and the mediators charge a reduced fee. A 2.5 hour mediation costs little less than the price of instructing a lawyer for that period and is dwarfed by the costs of a case goes to trial. As set out in the title, the venue is free! * and a very good venue it is too at the CIvil Justice Centre in central Manchester.

So, drop me a line if you are interested in finding out more information or follow the link below. You could soon be sitting in a beautiful conference room like the one above, waving goodbye to your dispute!