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The NHSR published its business plan today which included a further commitment to Mediation, saying

We are pressing forward with our efforts to resolve increasing numbers of claims without litigation, to minimise unnecessary delays and to improve the experience for patients, their families and healthcare staff. We will do this by targeting cases that are at risk of moving into unnecessary litigation and increasing the uptake of alternative dispute resolution, including mediation

They say that “We are pressing forward with our efforts to resolve increasing numbers of claims without litigation, to minimise unnecessary delays and to improve the experience for patients, their families and healthcare staff. We will do this by targeting cases that are at risk of moving into unnecessary litigation and increasing the uptake of alternative dispute resolution, including mediation”

They proudly boast that in the current year they have:

Reduced our litigation rate from 32% in 2017/18 to 31% 2019/20, resulting in direct savings to the NHS and an improved experience for patients and healthcare staff.

Increased the number of claims resolved via our mediation service for the second year in a row from 189 to 397 (an increase
of 110%).

They say that they will continue

To resolve clinical and non-clinical claims fairly with the aim of getting to the right answer as quickly as we can and, as far as possible, keeping cases out of formal court proceedings. Working with claimant law firms to find the most appropriate way to resolve claims will be essential in identifying groups of claims to achieve resolution without the need for litigation or trial. We continue to resist payment on cases where the treatment was appropriate and contest excessive claims for damages and costs.
Evolve our operating processes so that we focus our efforts on resolving claims earlier in the process, shortening the time to resolution, whilst balancing cost.