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Finding the Right Technology to Help Your Business Succeed

Being in business is a naturally competitive landscape. Your very goal is to succeed over your peers in winning over potential customers in whatever market you find yourself in. This has always been the case, but in the digital age that people today find themselves...

Why businesses are turning to mediation to resolve disputes

A survey by E&Y of 100 companies in the FTSE350 (highlighted by Litigation Future and the Law Society Gazette etc) has found that UK businesses were more likely to use ADR during Coronavirus – as we predicted. They also predict that after the end of the...

Peter Causton – Civil Mediation Council Fellow

Peter Causton, founder of ProMediate, has been named as a Fellow of the Civil Mediation Council in recognition for his experience as a mediator since 2009. Peter is currently available for instruction on civil and commercial litigation and workplace matters.

Workplace Mediator Training 28 March 2021

Janeen Achtar will be presenting our CMC qualifying workplace mediators training online course on 28 March 2021. Places are still available for £250 plus VAT. This is primarily designed for existing mediators to cross qualify as workplace mediators with the CMC. To...

Looking for a mediator? Where to go?

Are you looking to find a mediator? We can show you the way. We have a panel of expert mediators and can provide details upon request. To discuss options please get in touch.