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As well as working as a mediator, I also attend hearings as Counsel through Whitestone Chambers.

In December 2021 HMCTS published an evaluation of remote hearings during the COVID-19 pandemic research report. This reports the experience of public users, the judiciary, legal representatives, HMCTS staff, and support professionals and their attitudes towards remote hearings.

Key findings include:

  • public users attending remotely were slightly more likely to be satisfied with the overall experience of their hearing than in-person users (benefits included greater convenience, reduced costs and removing the anxiety of being in a room with another participant, who they may be in conflict with)
  • legal representatives were positive about remote hearings, with 93% saying they felt remote hearings were an acceptable alternative during the pandemic (views were mixed about how they should be used in the future)
  • 51% of judges thought remote hearings were effective at creating an environment comparable to in-person hearings, but raised concerns about their impact on well-being and increased workload.

I have found during the pandemic that as an advocate, remote hearings have been very effective.

To instruct me as Counsel please contact