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 It’s election time at the Civil Mediation Council and I would urge all members to vote for me and ProMediate to be elected to the board.

Election Address – ProMediate (UK) Limited

ProMediate is an up and coming mediation provider, with a panel of over 30 CMC registered mediators and we are a registered training provider. ProMediate was shortlisted for an award at the Modern Law Awards 2019 for supporting the legal industry.

We are committed to mediation, to modernising the CMC and making it more relevant to members. We are also registered as a mediation training provider. We encourage diversity and have a diversity mentoring scheme in place to encourage a wider pool of mediators to apply to join our panel.

ProMediate runs the Manchester Mediation Pilot and is spearheading increased mediation use in the Court system. Through our director, who is a member of the Law Society Council, we have tried to foster and improve links with the CMC. ProMediate is also a certified ADR Provider under the ADR Regulations and deals with consumers’ disputes with traders, using mediation.

We would like to continue contributing our views and speaking up for mediators on the board of the CMC.

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